RocLoc® Resin Capsules are a two compartment capsule with the outer sheath made from polyester film. The one compartment contains the resin mastic and the other compartment contains the catalyst paste.
The insertion and rotation of a roof bolt breaks the sheath and allows the resin and catalyst to be mixed. This thixotropic compound sets after a specified setting time and creates a chemical bond between the anchor and the strata.
RocLoc® Resin Capsules are used in conjunction with roof bolts and cable anchors to provide support in underground excavations. Installations can be done with either hydraulic or pneumatic type bolters.
- Fast anchoring of roof bolts to surrounding strata.
- High load transfers achieved immediately after setting of resin.
- Point anchor installation with fast set single speed RocLoc® Resin Capsules.
- Full column bolts resist horizontal and vertical strata movements.
- Prevent sag by clamping the individual strata layers into a single beam.
- Protects bolt from corrosion and can be used in wet conditions.